Monday, May 26, 2014

Transfer to Quito!

 Ok, I don't have a ton of time to write so I will just tell you guys the most important things that happened this week! So this week we had a visit from Elder Waddell from the 70! Wow that was soooooo amazing! He served his mission in Spain so he has an accent haha, but wow seriously his teachings were amazing! Oh and he picked a couple missionaries in our mission to have interviews with him and guess who was one of the sisters!....... Hermana Chamberlain! yay!!! It was super cool to talk to him and I told him a little about dad cause they both went to Spain on their missions (different missions and different times) and when I told him about how dad has cancer he was like hey whats their home phone number? I think I want to call them. haha Yeah so that was super cool!
     Jamie and Veronica are doing great and they are all ready for their baptisms this next week! I am super happy for them! 
     So last night we were all happy getting ready to go to bed and we got a phone call from Elder Lino our district leader. We knew that there were going to be some changes for the Elders cause There are a few that are finishing their missions so they are in Quito today and tomorrow they are going home. So when he called we asked him what the changes are and who the new elders are in our district. He told us about the changes of the Elders and then he was like oh and by the way you guys have changes too. We were just like hahaha yeah elder very funny. But turns out it was true! So I had to wake up at 5 in the morning and pack all of my things to go to Quito! It was super sad cause I didn't have ANY time to say goodbye to anyone. We just talked to a few members that live close to us and then I had to go. We were the only sister that had changes so I traveled to Quito with three other elders which was a little awkward.... But now I am here!
       Wow Quito is sooooo different than Otavalo! There are TONS of people and cars and buses hahaha oh and we went to the mall to eat lunch when I got here and I seriously felt like I was in the states. This mall is huge and super nice! It reminds me a lot of the really nice one in Virginia that we like to go to.... it might be nicer. My Companion is Hermana Finley! She is from California and is SUPER funny! (like to talk in English... hope I don't lose my Spanish) She is an Hermana Lider which means that she goes on splits with the other sisters every week so I will have to go with other sisters in our zone while she does that... I heard its hard to be companions with an hermana lider but I´m sure that everything will be fine! Our house is super nice! I will send pictures! 

The toast that Hermana Moran made for Marley's 6 
month celebration of being on a mission!

Hermana Chamberlain and her new companion Hermana Finley

Saturday, May 24, 2014

So many have asked how Marley is doing on her mission AND how she is doing since she heard the news about her dad's cancer. We all appreciate the outpouring of love and support we have received and thank you all! We feel incredibly blessed and so grateful! I haven't been very good the last few months about posting her letters home, BUT I will do better. This is the email she sent the day we told her the news and as you can see she LOVES her mission, has incredible faith, and through prayers, faith, and obedience feels that we will continue to see miracles in our lives. Love to you All!

Email from 5-5-14

Hey so I have had a pretty chill p-day. After I got your email we went over to the house of a member (the Familia Chamorro) they are really really great, they have been like my second family here. Hermano Chamorro is great and he gave me a blessing that was really beautiful. He talked a lot about how this is just a trial for our family and that everything will be ok. Their whole family was really great and they said to tell you guys that even though they don't know you, they love you and our whole family is in their prayers. Then President Richardson called to ask how I was doing. He says that he wants to talk to me in person, but I really don't want to go to Quito.... we will have to see. He also gave me D&C 31 to read which is great. You guys should read it too. 
   I just want to share with you some of the miracles that I have seen in my mission so far, some of them are small and silly, but they really are miracles and blessings from the Lord.
   First, I can’t tell you how many times we come home at the end of the day and when we look back on our lessons it isn't possible that we visited as many people as we did during the day.
    Edwin was a huge miracle. I didn't know that it was possible that someone could be so prepared to accept the gospel.
    Also for his baptism his wife had to work that day and she said that her boss is crazy and that in her 14 years of working there he hasn't let her change her hours, but this day he did and she was able to come to his baptism.
    One day after we finished a really long and muddy service project, we went back to the house to shower our water wasn't working. haha We were so disgusting and really just wanted to shower and after waiting for a while we decided that we really needed to work so we would just go out and shower when we came back for the night. We tried to turn on the shower one more time and it worked! It worked just long enough for both of us to take hot showers and then the water turned off again. haha kind of silly, but it was a miracle.
   We have been trying to have a lesson with this lady named Miriam for the past like 4 weeks, but every time we go she says that she is too busy or that she doesn't want to right now. This week we decided to try one more time before giving up and when she answered the door she immediately welcomed us in and thanked us for coming. Before we even started teaching her anything we asked if she had any questions for us and she said "I really want to be baptized. What do I need to do?"
   I was actually really disappointed last night when they said that we didn't have changes (I was hoping that I would be a trainer in this transfer) but now I am so grateful that I am still in this ward and with the sweet Hermana Moran for one more change. 
    I love you guys so much. I know that the Lord is always with us through these trials to comfort us. I have so much faith in our Savior and that we can see miracles in our lives thanks to our faith and obedience. I am so grateful for the amazing family that I have been blessed with and the wonderful experience that I have to serve the Lord at this time. I know that we will see the miracles and tender mercies of the Lord now more than ever. I love you guys so much! 

Hermana Chamberlain and Hermana Moran

Visting a cultural museum in Otavalo

Zone Conference in Quito