Saturday, December 14, 2013

Halfway Through The CCM

HELLOOOOO!!!!!! I love you guys sooooo much!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TATUM AND DEVIN!! It looks like you guys had soooo much fun! I wish I could have been there! Wow! 16 and 9! you guys are sooo old! This week was the best! I got two packages AND cinnamon rolls from you guys!!! Thank you so much it was amazing! The cinnamon rolls were delicious! But it said to warm them up in the microwave and we didn't have one so we used our blow dryers hahaha it was sooo funny! I'll send pictures. Have you guys gotten my letters yet? Oh and don't send any letters or packages after this week cause if they get here when I'm gone they just throw them away! I love you guys soooo much!
       Wow I cant believe that I am half way done with the CCM! It really is insane! I feel like I can understand the language a lot better but speaking it is still really hard! I cant wait for the day when it just comes naturally! So we went to the temple this morning which was amazing but SUPER hard all in Spanish! Ugh I felt like such idiot! And all the temple workers were trying so hard to help me but I couldn't understand what they were saying! Ok Sundays are the best here in the CCM! We get to watch two devotionals and a movie! This last Sunday it was the Joseph Smith movie and it was amazing! For sacrament meeting you don't know who is giving the talks until they announce it right before the songs..... so everyone has to prepare one haha luckily I haven't had to give one yet, but Hermana Conder had to last week! It was great! Its super stressful though! Our investigators(teachers) are coming along really well. Octavia(Hermana Olmos) seems really excited about the gospel and willing to do what we tell her. Abram(Hermano Vera) is less excited about reading scriptures and stuff but we got him to commit to baptism and come to church! But the next lesson we need to talk to him about the law of chastity so that should be interesting......I am so freaking excited for Christmas! It is going to be so hard to be away from everyone but I think it will be super cool and spiritual! We all feel kind of bad though cause Hermana Smith doesn't have any presents so Hermana Conder and I got her some today from the store by the temple. I love all the girls in our district! Hermana Smith is like the most spiritual person I have ever met! She has so many cool insights about scriptures and stuff. Hermana Obendorf has the exact same taste in movies and TV shows and stuff so we always quote Arrested Development to each other. And Hermana Conder is really just like an angle. I love her to death. 
        Even though I have only been here for three weeks I feel like my testimony has grown so much. Go watch the video The Atonement: How it Applies to Missionaries. It is absolutely amazing! also I have found such a love for the scriptures. I study them all day and at night I never want to go to bed at 10:30 cause I want to stay up and read. I know that we can receive personal revelation from them and they are amazing. Go read 2  Nephi 11. This gospel is truly amazing. Missionary work is the most important work in the world and they trust a bunch of kids with it. It just proves that through the Lord weak things are made strong. Also it proves that we most definitely aren't the teachers. Its all the spirit and we are just the vessels for it. But I'm going to be the best darn vessel there ever was! I love you guys so much! 

It said to heat them in the microwave, but this kind of works too....

Decorating for Christmas

Language Study 

P-Day Temple Trip

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