Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mitad Del Mundo

Hola!!! HAPPY FATHERS DAY YESTERDAY!!!!! Dad I love you so much!!! I´m sorry that I couldn't spend it with you, but just know that you are the best Father I could ever ask for! You guys will have to send me pictures of what you all did! They do celebrate Fathers day here, but we didn't really do anything special.Wow this week went by so fast! I cant even believe it! Today there were changes, but we didn't have any because we have only been together for 3 weeks. A lot of people in our zone had changes which makes me kind of sad because I really liked all of them. Changes are the worst part of the mission! Its sad because you don't know when you are going to see these people again! Oh and this week I am going to finish 7 months in the mission! Isn't that crazy!? I have less than a year left! Time is going by so fast that it scares me!
    Ok so today we finally got to go do something! We went to Mitad del Mundo ( Middle of the World)! It wasn't as cool as we thought it would be, but we took a lot of pictures so I will send them later! We just went by ourselves and walked around looking at a bunch of touristy things to buy and took pictures with the monument that they have there. Oh also we went to the planetarium but it was kind of disappointing... 
     This week the work has been a little hard cause everyone is just obsessed with the world cup! Hahahaha we were knocking doors (well ringing doorbells and talking to people through their speaker) the other day and we were playing the game like they do in the movie Errand of Angels where they try to get the person to talk to them for more than 10 seconds (but we are in South America so we did it for a minute). It was really funny! Apparently there was a soccer game going on because when a guy answered and we told him who we are he almost started crying and said "What? Why are you talking to me right now? Don't you know that I am watching soccer? Why would you do this to me!?" and then hung up. We were laughing so hard!  
      Oh so thanks to Fathers day and Ecuador playing yesterday no one came to church! well one of our investigators did, but even half the members weren't there. Oh and guess who gave a talk yesterday in church!!!..... Hermana Chamberlain! I talked about the importance that we endure to the end and cumplir (whats that word in english?) with all of our baptismal covenants! There are so many members who are inactive, but still have a testimony just because they think that it is too hard or think other things are more important or are just lazy! THIS IS OUR SALVATION ON THE LINE! And all of us missionaries in our ward sang a special number. Hermana Finley has such an amazing voice! Like one of the best I have ever heard!  
       I have really learned this week the importance of companionship prayer! So for a few days Hermana Finley and I hadn't been doing our companionship prayer, not because we didn't want to just because it always worked out that we were so tired that by the time one of us was out of the bathroom the other one was already asleep. I didn't think that it was that big of a deal, but I think it was really effecting us. One night I was kind of annoyed (I don't even remember why) and Hermana Finley asked if we could do our companionship prayer before going to bed. As soon as she started praying I immediately felt peace and I didn't feel mad anymore! I know that Satan really tries to get us in any way that he can but if we are always doing the things that we should then there wont be room for him in our hearts! I love you guys soooooooo much!!!! 

We Sang in Church!

Mitad del Mundo

Mitad del Mundo

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